Motif p-value
CREATED: 200701030709
- p-value of motif (PWM) in region R = prob(motif occurs in R)
- spaced speeds (101110111) = prob(spaced seed hits R)
** Seed => Motif
- |m| = |s|
- m[i] = 1 if s[i] = 1
- Pr[m[i] = 0] = Pr[m[i] = 1] = 1/2
- Threshold t = (1/2)^z, z = number of 0’s in s
- m occurs in R w.r.t threshold t iff s hits R
- P(m occurs in R) = P(s hits R)
- Implies that p-value problem is NP-hard
** Seed <= Motif
- f(i,b) = Pr(m hits R[i..n]|b is a prefix of R[i..n])
- want to find f(1,
) - f(i,b) =
sum_{c in Omega}
f(i,bc)Pr(R[i + |b|] = c | b is a prefix of R[i..n]) - overlap(b,m’) = largest overlap of b and m’, m’ compatible with PWM m ** compatible = match score >= threshold ** need to enumerate all strings of length L which are compatible
- f(i,b) = f(i’,overlap(b,m’)), i’ = i + |b| - |overlap(b,m’)|
** Enumerating compatible strings
AGCCTT -> 031123 (frequency rank of ith character in PWM)
if s is compatible, try s+1
if s is not NOT compatible, try s’
** s = 231200, s’ = 23200
After L steps, we enumerate one compatible string, total O(KL)
** Reference
- Ming Li