Melvin's digital garden

LD 80.5

Time for an environmental tax by Amanda

We should start discussing it

How does airline decide the price by Rahul

M, Th, Fri are the most expensive Tues and Wed are the cheapest

per person

  • 2.5 for fuel
  • 1.5 for crew cost
  • 13.5 for using the airport
  • 15.6 for taxes
  • 11.5 for the plane (each pressurization creates micro fractures)
  • 14.0 for maintenance
  • 10.0 for airline overhead
  • 0.25 for insurance

efficient planes lower the cost further

Colors are not real by Melvin

Our eyes detect short, medium, long wavelengths of light

Our brain combines the information from the eyes and contextual information in the scene to “paint” the colors we see

Fix capitalism by Ka Ho

Build a business that can set the right price and still be profitable.

Persuade your competitors to do the same thing.

Make sure that investors understand there’s money to be made.

And push governments to put the right price into law so that bottom-feeders can’t survive.

Car Culture in Japan and SG by Jin Hoo

hotmanparis lawyer in Indonesia by Scarlett

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