Melvin's digital garden

LD 77

Warnings, Updates by Lih Wei

Line of Death

Always update your OS!

Scare tactics in warnings

Miracle Sudoku by Louis

Sudoku with

  • Knight’s move apart cannot be same digit
  • King’s move apart cannot be same digit
  • two orthogonally adjacent cannot be consecutive

Start with only 2 numbers filled

Gas prices on Ethereum by Melvin

World Chase Tag by Syafiq

Eco-link @ BKE by Amanda

mitigate forest fragmentation

Capitalism is messing up the world by Jin

Glass Steagull Act of 1933

Deregulation -> Income inequality

How the Economy Machine works by Ka Ho

by Ray Dalio

How to cut out the eyes of a pineapple by Scarlett

Climate change by Zhenyi

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