Melvin's digital garden

LD 109

[2021-12-10 Fri 19:15:00]

  1. Louis: business model canvas Start-up that makes anti catheter infection tech, pitch has practical explanation of evolving business model canvas

  2. Melvin: Luhmann’s great method of making linked notes, to consciously explain how each note is linked to other notes you have. Obsidian as a possible software

  3. Ka Ho: explaining dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in how we feel pleasure. Opiods: How to dopamine detox:

  4. Paul: guitar effects software review. Bespoke as a “operating system”, with add-ons software e.g. Helix Native, Archetype Cory Wong, Bias FX 2.

  5. Liwei: VIBRATORS. Vibrations will damage your products, e.g. during transport on train, lorry, etc. Electrodynamic shakers (basically vibrators) test the products, help to find the resonance frequency and reduce the risk of damage

  6. Sharon: deep breathing and its health and mental health benefits like down-regulating from fight or flight to equilibrium, reduce anxiety. The theory: The practical (try it at home!):

  7. Anna: journey of reading books and enjoying them! “59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot”: how motivation can help you achieve goals, e.g. having sub-goals, achieve by X date, reward for achieving the goal. Other books bought: “Asking Why: Selected Writings of Ho Kwon Ping”, “They Told Us to Move”, “Economics in Singapore” A Level textbook, “The Practice of Not Thinking: A Guide to Mindful Living”, “Thinking Fast and Slow”, “It Didn’t Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle”, “Before the Coffee Gets Cold”, “The Art of Advocacy”

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