Identifying PTM
CREATED: 200701030652 Author: Pavel Pevzner
** Three Ideas
- Aho-Corasick algorithm
- Filtration, i.e. FASTA/BLAST
- Sequence alignment
** De Novo vs Database Search (paradox)
extract tags
** PepNovoTag ** covering set of tags (10 tags)
filter database
set of tags enable use of Aho-Corasick algorithm
** Post translational modification
- ~ 7200 types of PTM ** increases size of protein alphabet
- restrictive search ** fix types of modifications
- blind search
- similar peptide have dissimilar spectra
- convert spectra to sequence of 0 and 1 ** modifications -> insertion/deletion of blocks of zeros
- verifications ** look at which kinds of PTM occur on which amino acid, compare with knowm chemistry