- 15k on Igowin
- Demo to a big group, each person suggest one move
- 6x6 with stone counting
- teaching method advocated by Yasuda Yasutoshi
- Hactar Go
- proved PSPACE-complete in “Go Complexities”
- https://forums.online-go.com/t/capture-go-problems/31531/22
- group with single eye larger than 1 liberty is alive
Stone counting teaching method
- used in Ancient chinese rules
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- Crazy sensei rules
- SquishyGo
- Nanago
- Cosumi Jungo
- Dieter Verhofstadt recommended introduction
- Jungo
Solving Ponnuki-Go on small boards
- 6x6 with crosscut: black wins
- 6x6 with stable centre: black wins
- first move made manually
- 6x6 empty board is unknown
- assuming optimal start is stable centre, then black wins
One-eyed Go
- stones cannot be put in intersections with no liberties
- much easier to make a living group
- https://senseis.xmp.net/?OneEyedGo
Hexagonal Go
- Go Without Ko on Hexagonal Grids, Browne2012
- TriGo, Bloom
Kill-all Go
- White wins if it can have at least one stone on the board
- KataGo using komi 80.5 thinks that 9x9 H5 is white win, 9x9 H6 is black win
- points given to white so that optimal play results in a draw
- Mini-GO results
- KataGo book
- under area scoring: 4 for 6x6, 9 for 7x7, 10 for 8x8, 7 for 9x9
- under Japanese rules: area scoring komi - 1
- also known as Dots
- https://zagram.org/index.en.html
4x4 puzzles
- Cho Uās 4 by 4 Go Puzzle
- third book with 105 problems https://101weiqi.com/book/29223/
9x9 Go
- https://sites.google.com/view/9x9go/
- 9x9 Go Reviews
- GoQuest, 3mins+1s/move
- minifoxwq, 1min+3x20s
- 9x9 opening explorer
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- AlphaGo - The Movie
- The Surrounding Game
Portable DIY equipment
- https://www.britgo.org/learners/make.html
- https://jgrimard.itch.io/tic-tac-toe-fold
- using trihexaflexagon?
- https://forums.online-go.com/t/how-to-make-diy-go-stones/40531
- bingo chips as go stones
- “dual color counting”
Learning resources
- Tiger’s mouth
- Learn to play Go
- Tromp-Taylor rules
- AI Sensei
- Go Magic
- 101å“ę£ē½
- Michael Redmond’s beginner lessons
- 12 Week Miracle by Baduk TV
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- 81 Little Lions
- The Art of 9x9 Go