Melvin's digital garden

general relativity

extends special relativty by including the effect of gravity

equivalence principle

  • free falling in gravity ~ free floating in space
  • standing in gravity ~ an accelerating frame

Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime

  • Space is homogeneous and isotropic
  • Space is uniformly filled with matter

mass warps spaccetime

  • Schwarzschild radius, r_s = 2GM/c^2
  • (ds)^2 = (1 - r_s/r)(cdt)^2 - (1 + r_s/r)(dx)^2
  • time slows in curved space time
    • consider a clock on a rotating space station with artifical gravity

curvature of time causes gravity

  • time curvature dominates for weak gravitational field and objects at low velocity
  • see Newtonian limit

why does mass warp light

  • light has no velocity in the time dimension
  • consider a space ship shooting a laser perpendicular to its motion
    • to the outside observer the light moves in a straight line
    • to the inside observer the light moves in a curve

inconsistent with quantum mechanics

  • in QM a particle can be in multiple places, what happen to its gravity?


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