Melvin's digital garden

FB posts 2021

Dec 14: Support charity and get rewarded with awesome games, ends Dec 14 2359 GMT. I chose The hardest part is entering all the 50+ steam keys…

Dec 08: YT recommended a video on smart notes which led me down a rabbit hole into the Zettelkasten method and Evergreen notes. What an eye-opener it has been! I’ve been writing notes badly all along, which explains why I rarely refer to them. The key is to write notes on one idea/concept and find connections between the new note and existing ones and link them with sufficient context.

Nov 30: Came across this Agile Engineering Fluency map while looking for resources to help dev teams improve. What are some other useful resources out there?

Nov 28: Caves of Qud has the best changelogs. Looking forward to their 1.0 release. Here are some examples: · Fixed a bug that caused flaming NPCs to attempt to douse themselves using lava. · Reduced the chance of hurting yourself while getting into or out of a regeneration tank. · You can no longer talk to your original body while dominating another creature. (This led to bad things.)

Nov 09: We live in amazing times. VC are talking about Zero-Knowledge Proofs with CS prof and portfolio company’s founders. I love how they call ZKP “beautiful” technology, it is truly amazing that we can check the proof of computation much faster than redoing the computation.

Nov 06: The Cambrian explosion of Zero-Knowledge proof systems for verifying computation. AFAIK the first time ZKPs are used for scaling txns per second. Allowing nodes to verify proofs instead of re-executing the computation.

Nov 03: Getting rusty at my proofs. This came up from work today when designing a score function. Q: given a non-empty list L of n real numbers, each one in [0,1) and an integer y, 0 < y <= n. Let L’ be L with the largest element removed and avg(l) be the average of the values in the list. Prove that y * avg(L) - (y-1) * avg(L’) < 1 or give a counter example. I can only prove it for the trivial cases where y = n and y = 1. Any help is appreciated!

Oct 30: Previously, I was using to extract txns from DBS PDF statements but they changed the PDF format in Feb. Today, I found out that works with the new format, unlike Tabula. Finally able to update my records. Feels good when the ledger computed balance matches the PDF printed balance on the last statement.

Oct 25: New algorithm for generating uniform random integer in an interval posted as a pull request.

Oct 08: “Unix was built for me. I didn’t build it as an operating system for other people, I built it to do games and to do my stuff.” – Ken Thompson at around 1:10 into the video.

Sep 25: Casual Sat morning learning causal inference from Brady Neal’s excellent online course

Sep 21: 城裡的月光2021 MV, a collaboration by various singers to spread positive energy this Mid-Autumn Festival.

Aug 29: TIL we can infer causation from observations. I thought randomized controlled trials were the only way. This topic is known as causal inference.

Aug 09: Finally managed to understand the Fast Fourier Transform. Wonderful use of polynomial multiplication as the motivating example and excellent visualizations.

Aug 08: Love discovering gems like this! A free (no iap, no ads) mobile app to create an SRT video stream. Using this + OBS studio to workaround a webcam with broken video.

Aug 07: As usual, I’m very late to the game and only learnt about the bootstrap method in statistics last month. It has been a fascinating journey into how computation has influenced statistics via Efron and Hastie’s excellent book, Computer Age Statistical Inference.

Aug 04: Trying out a new font and a new terminal emulator, Jetbrains Mono in Kitty. Looking good so far, feels more comfortable compared to my previous setup using Terminus in rxvt

Jul 20: What is the minimum amount of resources needed to solve a computational problem?

Jul 18: p-values can vary a lot when an experiment is repeated! The effect size and its confidence interval are much more informative. PS: did not know something this complex can be simulated in Excel

Jul 17: TIL using Gardner-Altman estimation plot to show the difference between two groups. An alternative to null-hypothesis testing which only says whether to reject/accept the NH.

Jul 03: Changelog: You can no longer attempt to sit on yourself, if you are a chair, or sleep on yourself, if you are a bed. Darn!

Apr 13: New £50 note featuring Alan Turing. Possibly the first bank note to feature a computer program in the design. What other references to Turing’s work can you spot?

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