Bowling, Badminton and Buffet at Swiss Past Vs Present Games Day
date: 2009-09-15 16:49:59 +08:00 category: scss
The second annual Swiss Cottage Past vs Present Games Day was held on the 5th September. Initially, I did not feel like attending the event as I could not get anyone from my class to come. The day before the games day, I received an SMS from William (one of alumni committee members from class of 75) asking all committee members to come down and support the games. I realized I shouldn’t avoid the event just because no one else from my class is going, I should just go down and get to know the other alumni and current students.
Bowling@CDANS Lane where I was playing
The bowling competition was held at CDANS, opposite Swiss Cottage. I was “coerced” into joining the game and was assigned to play alongside two new alumni. I figured they must be from Swiss Bowlers as they had their own carrying bags and bowling balls. We played a total of three games and my scores were: 104, 77, 83.
Badminton@Swiss Hall Floorball@Quadrangle
I had lunch with a group of alumni at CDANS before walking back to Swiss Cottage for the afternoon games. Due to lack of players, Annie and I joined in the badminton game which was held in the school hall. Since both of us are not familiar with the game, needless to say we were completely trashed by the Swiss girls from the badminton club.
A number of other games where held around Swiss, including basketball, floorball and soccer. In the end, the alumni won three out of the five games that were played that day.
In retrospect, I am glad that I decided to go down for the games day as I really enjoyed myself playing the games. I also got to meet up with Mrs Ellie Koh and Mr Saiffudin, two teachers from when I was at Swiss but have since retired.